Saturday, June 30, 2007

*** 不捨不棄 ,才會了不起 , 香港始終有你 !! ***

*** 不捨不棄 ,才會了不起 , 香港始終有你 !! ***

"Just because you are here" Campaign to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the establishment of Hong Kong Special administraive region10 yrs already, there is alot to celebrate with all HK-ers pulling through together, because of all of you, HK is still a great place to be

主唱:眾歌手 作曲:金培達 填詞:陳少琪 監製:金培達.陳少琪
歌詞劉德華:點點燈火彷彿流螢 照亮百家姓 成全這小島變巨星譚詠麟:東方跟西方的文明 邂逅了衝勁 繁榮這裡 遇上安定 古巨基:明艷紫荊風中爭勝 找對了路徑 花瓣開得繁盛陳慧琳:人人能力大小也力拼任誰留下血汗 就是個精英李克勤:香港始終有你 (香港始終有你)讓萬眾掌聲響一世紀合唱:香港始終有我 (香港始終有我)十萬個驚喜多一世紀感謝你 小天地 創天地盛夏冷冬各種天氣 不捨不棄 才會了不起 香港始終有你 容祖兒:獅子山觸得到長城 血脈裡感應 和諧靠你 賦予生命陳奕迅:明艷紫荊風中爭勝 找對了路徑 花瓣開得繁盛 Twins:人人能力大小也力拼任誰留下血汗 就是個精英 莫華倫:香港始終有你 (香港始終有你)讓萬眾掌聲響一世紀李 龍:香港始終有我 (香港始終有我)十萬個驚喜多一世紀尹飛燕:感謝你 小天地 創天地合唱:盛夏冷冬各種天氣 不捨不棄 才會了不起 香港始終有你陳奕迅: (國︰因為你在這裡)合唱:讓萬眾掌聲響一世紀香港始終有我 劉德華:(國︰因為我在這裡) 合唱:十萬個驚喜多一世紀感謝你 小天地 創天地盛夏冷冬各種天氣 不捨不棄 才會了不起 香港始終有你
10th anniversary of the establishment of HKSAR !

Friday, May 4, 2007

The First Clip I'd like to share is of a concert organised by RTHK in 1990 to strengthen & unit HKers together after the lost of confidence amidst Jun 4th of 1989 and the uncertainty of Sino-British talks.

It was a rare occasion to have all the leading singers/stars on one stage together to sing the theme song

凝聚每分光Concert Performance (Song):


凝聚每分光群星合唱﹕許冠傑 Sam Hui/林子祥 George Lam/徐小鳳/梅艷芳 Anita Mui/葉蒨文 Sally Yip/羅文 Roman Tam/譚詠麟 Alam Tam
作曲: 鮑比達 填詞: 鄭國江

為理想 全力幹 求突破今天甘流血汗
為理想 獻盡努力 理想邦 我願靠我雙手創
為理想 燃亮我 求讓每分力 全變熱和亮光
要鬥志繼續頑強 要永遠奮起圖強 豪情溶成熱與光讓每點光 射向前方
讓每點光閃出希望, 交織成一張光的網
凝聚了每點光茫前途漸明朗 , 美滿前途伴你創
讓每點光 射向前方 讓每點光閃出希望, 交織成一張光的網以熱誠 發亮光 以熱情 更烈更旺, 漆黑照亮 前途共創

This is our home, This is our place, This is our dream, We love Hong Kong

匯聚強光 照遍這方 在熱流裡 載著看熱愛香港 人人同心 共創香港新的希望香港人 高峰天天創凝聚了每點光茫 前途漸明朗 世界盡瞧著這方熱愛香港 萬眾同心 共創香港新的希望香港人 敢於更新 肯苦幹更繁榮 這地方 更繁榮新的香港一起創造明日盛況

I think the title of the song is very suiting, since HK is known for its amazing symphony of lights, and in the clip u can see how much imagery of lights they have used, whether it was fireworks in victoria harbour, or at tsiang ma bridge, or the candle lights of 6-4 protests, 7-1 protests, HK is a focus of lights.Below are some images from the clip, Legco/MTR Opening/Martin Lee/SARS cleaning campaign/凝聚每分光 Concert/Kaitak airportDownload the Music

Video Clip at the link :


The creative genius of James Wong, put forward the 'two is enough' campaign in 1970s for HKers to be encouraged to only have two children, breaking the old chinese traditions of having large households.

Strong social campaigns were launched throughout this period:

WATCH HERE: 生仔也好, 生女也好, 兩個已經夠晒數


國泰航空 Cathay Pacific's Commerical 1980s featuring theme song sung by local singer song writer George Lam 林子祥, it is my favourite by far of all Cathay's Commericals. It had a catchy cantonese 'catch-phrase', roughly translated to:"Focus on what lies infront of your eyes, the new classic, on Cathay! "in english, the slogan was "Arrive in Better Shape, on Cathay !


Monday, January 1, 2007

:: Lion Rock Spirit !!

** 獅子山下精神 **




拋棄區分 求共對

理想一起去追同舟人世相隨 無畏更無懼
同處海角天涯 攜手踏平崎嶇


My Translation of the lyrics of The Lion Rock :

Happiness is a certainty in life,
though there are times of tears,
Ever since we met beneath this Lion Rock,
there are more smiles more than sighs.

There are unavoidable obstacles in life,
Though journeys are without their woes & worries,
let's make this journey together since we live beneath this Lion Rock,
cast away the divisive boundaries & row in accord.

Release the burden u carry in your heart,
and pursue the dreams that binds us
As Folks sharing the same boat,
all promising to follow, with no fear & without woe.

Setting afloat together at the corner of the globe,
towards the boundary of the sky,
we shall find common ground amidst adversities hand in hand,
Because together,
we are writing HK's success amongst hardship with our hard work


The montage is beautiful in this clip: background song is the original version of 'under the lion rock' (獅子山下) :


Also, the 2006 re-make of the "under the lion rock" 獅子山下 drama by RTHK station:


And, the Classic 1976 original drama by RTHK that began it all :

I will always remember ... my time walking on the ground benneath the lion rock ...